The truth about recycled toilet paper

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A look at where it comes from and just how good it is for the environment.

We’re conscious of our need to protect the planet through the work that we do. That’s why Satino by WEPA is continuously working towards a more sustainable future. Recycled papers represent a key step in achieving those ambitions. Yet, despite the environmental benefits that recycled papers offer, for some, a stigma still surrounds them. We’re intent on dispelling those myths to help shine a light on the truth about recycled paper. 


Toilet paper, tissues and hand towels made from recycled fibres embody our planet-friendly approach, aiding our bid to reduce our carbon footprint without compromising quality. Historically, hygiene papers have been made from virgin fibres, which use materials used are sourced directly from forests. In our mission to reduce the number of trees felled each year for paper products, recycled papers present the opportunity to create the same quality products whilst limiting the number of virgin fibres in circulation. As we all grow increasingly conscious of our carbon footprint, the ecological benefits of recycled alternatives cannot be understated. 

Where does it come from?

The biggest myth surrounding recycled papers is that they are made from used toilet tissues. Instead, fibres are typically sourced from post-consumer materials which are often at the end of their lifespan. That means when materials can no longer be recycled into more of the same, they become an ideal resource for hygiene papers.  

Our recycled fibres come from locally generated waste streams such as used beverage packaging, office waste and bottle labels.

At our production facility in Tunbridge Wells, we’ve been producing our latest innovation, PureSoft. Made from 100% recycled cardboard, it boasts a carbon footprint 70% less than that of virgin fibre production. With no bleaching process either, we’ve created a far more natural paper that visibly echoes our commitment to sustainable production methods.

In other cases, pre-consumer materials may be used, including scrap and offcut wood and paper, as well as packaging from other manufacturing processes, turning another waste stream into a viable source for recycled paper materials. This creates better circularity from materials that would otherwise be destined for landfill.

But, is it as soft?

The short answer to this, is yes! Just because the source material has already lived a life doesn’t mean the finished product is any less soft or hygienic. Making that the case has been our priority for some time and we’re proud of the products we have created.

We’ve been incorporating recycled fibres into our resource stream since the 1950s. Since then, we’ve honed our techniques to make recycled hygiene papers as white, bright and luxuriously soft as can be.

The UK uses 3,115,437ft of toilet paper every year, so upping the amount which comes from recycled sources is invaluable for the environment. As we make important steps on the journey to a sustainable, planet-friendly future for the industry.  

If you’d like to know more about Satino by WEPA and our commitment to recycled materials,follow us on LinkedIn for more information. Alternatively, you can get in touch with UKI head of sales AFH, Alasdair Sharp.



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Sales Manager DACH
Bernd Lintzen