
Use the codes to find the right Satino product for your Satino dispenser at all times
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CF1-compatible Products

(CF1 = Centerfeed Hand Towel)


Centrefeed Dispenser Plus

Centrefeed Dispenser Plus

The versatile all-rounder with adjustable paper output

SKU: 333416

The versatile dispenser with adjustable paper outlet:
For maximum efficiency, the paper outlet can be easily switched…

Centrefeed Dispenser Plus

Centrefeed Dispenser Plus

The versatile all-rounder with adjustable paper output

SKU: 333417

The versatile dispenser with adjustable paper outlet:
For maximum efficiency, the paper outlet can be easily switched…

Centerfeed Towel Roll Dispenser Plus

Centerfeed Towel Roll Dispenser Plus

CF1 compatible

SKU: 331000

The all-rounder with variable paper outlet, ideal for medium to high frequencies: the dispenser is converted with just…

Hygiene Assortment

Hand towel rolls centerfeed

Hand towel rolls centerfeed


SKU: 317900

The highwhite premium quality from 100% cellulose with maximum cleaning and suction power.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Hand towel rolls centrefeed

Hand towel rolls centrefeed


SKU: 317930

Our new additions - truly exceptional talents! In terms of absorbency and strength, they are in no way inferior to the…

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Hand towel rolls centerfeed

Hand towel rolls centerfeed


SKU: 317700

high strength and absorbency in 100% recycled quality.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Hand towel rolls centrefeed

Hand towel rolls centrefeed


SKU: 317090

Bright white, strength and absorbency in 100% recycled quality.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Hand towel rolls centrefeed

Hand towel rolls centrefeed


SKU: 316750

Bright white, strength and absorbency in 100% recycled quality.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Hand towel rolls centrefeed

Hand towel rolls centrefeed


SKU: 317050

Bright white, strength and absorbency in 100% recycled quality.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Hand towel rolls centrefeed

Hand towel rolls centrefeed


SKU: 317040

Bright white, strength and absorbency in 100% recycled quality.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Towel roll inside unwinding 2p 60m Prestige without tube

Towel roll inside unwinding 2p 60m Prestige without tube

CF1 compatible

SKU: 314260

The more environmentally friendly choice without a tube: high quality towel paper in tactile premium quality – made from…

FSC® certificated
EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Towel roll inside unwinding 1p 110m Prestige without tube

Towel roll inside unwinding 1p 110m Prestige without tube

CF1 compatible

SKU: 314170

The more environmentally friendly choice without a tube: high quality towel paper in premium quality – made from fresh…

FSC® certificated
EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Towel roll inside unwinding 2p 150m Prestige without tube

Towel roll inside unwinding 2p 150m Prestige without tube

CF1 compatible

SKU: 314210

The more environmentally friendly choice without a tube: high quality towel paper in tactile premium quality – made from…

FSC® certificated
EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Towel rolls inside unwinding 2p 150m Comfort without tube

Towel rolls inside unwinding 2p 150m Comfort without tube

CF1 compatible

SKU: 314220

The economical and responsible choice for less waste: Satino Comfort made of 100% recycled quality without a tube.

EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Towel roll inside unwinding 1p 270m Prestige without tube

Towel roll inside unwinding 1p 270m Prestige without tube

CF1 compatible

SKU: 314180

The more environmentally friendly choice without a tube: high quality towel paper in premium quality – made from fresh…

FSC® certificated
EU Ecolabel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
Centrefeed Towel roll

Centrefeed Towel roll


SKU: 314290

Satino PureSoft is the first premium towel paper in 100% recycled quality made from cardboard. Satino PureSoft features…

FSC® Recycled
EU Ecolabel
Blauer Engel
36. recommendation short term
Dermatest Guarantee
German Ecodesign Award 2023
WINNER: European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards 2024


Curious and interested in working together? Our employees will be pleased to assist you on all questions concerning our products. Please contact us - we look forward to hearing from you.

Monika van Ettinger
Central Eastern Europe
Piotr Nieradzik
South-East Europe
Boris Parvanov
Alasdair Sharp