Explaining facts, sharing knowledge: hand washing done right

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Science creates knowledge – and when it comes to hygiene, we are very happy to share it. In our video, the microbiologist Dr Stephan Poppe explains why proper hand washing isn’t as simple as we would often like to believe.

Hand washing – who could get it wrong? Spoiler: just about everybody. We shed light on the topic. Is there an optimal technique? Why is it important to dry your hands, too? And how could the right hand-washing practices save millions of tonnes of CO2 each year?

The hygiene expert Dr Stephan Poppe, microbiologist and Lead of Disinfection and Hygiene at WEPA, provides answers, facts and tips.

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Monika van Ettinger
Central Eastern Europe
Piotr Nieradzik
South-East Europe
Boris Parvanov
Alasdair Sharp