Pure Enthusiasm for Satino by WEPA

The Interclean is an event of superlatives – it is the world's largest trade fair for the cleaning and hygiene industry, with more than 900 exhibitors. Over 30,000 visitors from all over the world experienced eventful days in Amsterdam in mid-May. We were there – with innovations that will set impulses in the market.

Hall 10 of Interclean in Amsterdam: For four days, Satino by WEPA created a sensation and excitement here. Industry-wide innovations and sustainable novelties, exciting lectures, and spectacular booth design – the success had many reasons.

The hygienic paper innovation Satino PureSoft made from recycled cartons was one of the main topics: The natural-colored premium hygienic paper is particularly sustainable and at the same time incredibly soft – its qualities impressed customers, dealers, and many new interested parties. Correspondingly, WEPA sustainability expert Lindie Feuler, Lead Sustainability Concepts, and Dr. Stephan Poppe, Lead of Disinfection at WEPA, explained the topic "Does hygienic paper need to be white to be hygienic?" (The answer: no, it absolutely does not) in an inspiring lecture on the sustainability stage.

The HYGINITY dispenser series, on the other hand, is likely to be among the aforementioned superlatives: The unveiling of an oversized model, but also the design and user-friendliness of the innovative dispensers, convinced our visitors.

HYGINITY – the dispenser series from Satino by WEPA sets a new standard. Find out more now!

Positive impact beyond the booth

The booth itself attracted glances and visitors: The distinctive color scheme, a three-dimensional sculpture made of cartons, and the oversized dispenser model earned first place in the "outstanding booth design" category – and that among 900 co-exhibitors. The appearance of Satino by WEPA went far beyond the brand world at the booth. Eye-catching advertising on the access stairs showed visitors the way, and Satino by WEPA disinfection columns provided the best hygiene service on-site.

The trade fair bags from Satino by WEPA were also enthusiastically received: Over 1,000 pieces were distributed – with water, blister plasters, snack bars, pens, and notepads, they provided the perfect survival kit for the trade fair.

A big thank you to our customers

We at Satino by WEPA are proud of the shared success in Amsterdam – and would like to thank everyone who visited our booth and accompanied us on our journey through hygiene and washroom concepts. We greatly appreciated the numerous encounters and constructive conversations, some of which took place at our barista bar, offering a small break at the same time. Your presence, our valued customers and potential new partners, made a difference in discussing current topics and our innovations. We look forward to further growth with you and good cooperation!



Curious and interested in working together? Our employees will be pleased to assist you on all questions concerning our products. Please contact us - we look forward to hearing from you.

Monika van Ettinger
Central Eastern Europe
Piotr Nieradzik
South-East Europe
Boris Parvanov
Alasdair Sharp