Good Hygiene in Companies: An Investment That Pays Off

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Is it worth investing in well-maintained and properly equipped washrooms? The answer is yes: good hygiene benefits individuals, companies, and society as a whole – and the figures back this up.

Blocked toilets, no hand towels, and empty soap dispensers are still a common sight in many public or semi-public washrooms. Yet it’s long been clear: poor hygiene leads to hidden costs, while good hygiene promotes safety, health protection, a sense of well-being – and business success.

Clean Washrooms Make Companies More Attractive

A large-scale survey conducted in the USA highlights how much the condition of washrooms can influence business success. According to the 2023 Healthy Handwashing Survey™, 60% of North Americans prefer visiting a particular shop and are willing to spend more money there if they know it has clean, well-maintained toilets. A similar proportion of respondents stated that an unclean or unpleasant toilet reflects poor management, negatively affecting their view of the entire company. After a bad toilet experience, 52% of people are less likely to return – or hesitate before doing so.

When it comes to improving customer relations and enhancing a company’s reputation, washrooms and hygiene are often overlooked. However, investing in safe, pleasant hygiene facilities strengthens a company’s reputation and builds trust with both customers and employees.

Handwashing: Effective, Affordable, and Simple 

In companies, good hygiene is not only an investment in customer and employee well-being but also in health. Modern washrooms show appreciation for employees and customers, boosting motivation, while handwashing with soap is one of the most effective health measures. Studies show that diarrhoeal diseases can be reduced by around 30%, and acute respiratory infections by approximately 21%. Companies providing soap dispensers in washrooms can reduce sickness rates by 30 to 50%. Even the risk of coronavirus infection, which is primarily spread through airborne particles, can be minimised with proper hand hygiene.

Fewer infections mean healthier employees. The leading causes of sick leave include respiratory infections, but also workplace stress – which is heightened when employees are forced to cover for unwell colleagues. For companies, fewer absences mean lower costs for sick pay and increased productivity. This makes sense both operationally and economically.

In 2022, German companies faced a burden of over €70 billion in sick pay due to illness – significantly higher than in previous years, partly due to the rise in infectious diseases. With an average of just over 21 days of sick leave per employee, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Germany estimated a loss in gross value added totalling €207 billion in 2022.

The impact of better hand hygiene has been calculated for two of the world’s largest economies: a nationwide programme to improve handwashing behaviour in China was found to generate a 35-fold return on investment, while in India, it was an impressive 92-fold.

The Healthcare Sector: A Hotspot for Infections – and Proof of Effective Measures

Good hygiene is essential in the healthcare sector. Hospital studies show that improved hand hygiene reduces MRSA infections – a type of ‘superbug’ that spreads in medical settings. A study in a Taiwanese hospital also found that more frequent hand disinfection led to a reduction in healthcare-associated infections – and it’s cost-effective too. Every dollar invested in hand hygiene saved $23 in follow-up costs caused by poor hygiene.

In Europe, the economic burden of hospital-acquired infections is estimated at €7 billion annually, a cost ultimately borne by the public.

Conclusion: Good Hand Hygiene Pays Off for Everyone

Whether it’s mandatory in the healthcare sector or considered an added benefit in businesses, shops, and schools, good hygiene is both effective and cost-efficient. The simplest and most affordable solution remains hand hygiene. Our experts at Satino by WEPA are happy to show you how to optimise hygiene in your organisation and how a holistic, tailored hygiene concept can benefit you – free of charge and without obligation.




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Monika van Ettinger
Central Eastern Europe
Piotr Nieradzik
South-East Europe
Boris Parvanov
Alasdair Sharp